Our services are inclusive of all of your property management needs - from collecting rent to paying taxes and everything in between. Not every landlord needs to the same scope of services so we can build custom management agreements that work best for the situation.
Our services include but are not limited to:
Rent Collection and Tenant Management
Finding and securing well-qualified tenants through our brokerage division Modern Spaces.
Generate and execute Leases
Oversee Move-Ins/Move-Outs where applicable
Manage Security Deposit Accounts
Collect Rent
Handle Repair Requests
Manage Tenant’s expectations
Rent Delinquency Mitigation
Lease Enforcement
Tenant Dispossession when necessary including court proceedings and lockouts.
Condo Association Management
Facilitate smooth and solvent operation of Condo Association business
Collect monthly Condo Association fees from all the owners
Source, Hire, and Manage maintenance personal to who are responsible for maintaining the common area, garbage, recycling, and snow removal as is required by Condo Association
Attend Annual Condo Association Board Meetings
Analyze prior year budget and propose upcoming budget for HOA
Building Management
Continual Maintenance Inspections that help reduce unnecessary and hidden operating expenses
Sourcing, Hiring and Managing Local Building Superintendents
who are responsible for maintaining the common area, garbage, recycling, and snow removal
Hire, Train, and Staff such as porters, doorman, and concierge where applicable.
Sourcing, Hiring, and Managing Local Licensed Contractors for any and all repair issues and general system maintenance
24 Hour Emergency Service
Account Management
Proper Accounting of Income and Expenses
Timely Deposits of Net Income to Landlord bank accounts.
Monthly, Quarterly, and Annual Reports and Analysis
Facilitate all Bill Payments
Facilitate all Mortgage Payments
Facilitate all Tax Payments